Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Little Chevrons

And another band is done!  And the usual lousy photos have been taken!

This is from the Mim's Muddle pattern I mentioned yesterday.

I think it turned out fairly well.  Both the band width and the consistency of weft spacing are getting to be pretty good except for the spot where I ran out of the green crochet cotton I was using as weft and changed to a different green crochet cotton.  So I will continue to work on consistency when changing weft.

The reverse side is different but also attractive.

I tried the idea I had about offsetting the diagonal lines by two so it would look like a little tree.  I didn't like it, so unwove and continued with the original pattern.

I turned all cards forward continuously, occasionally working out the extra twist from the warp.  I knew there might be an effect from half the cards being S-threaded and half Z-threaded.  Indeed there was!  It wasn't much, but slowly, extra twist accumulated in the thread that was plied in the same direction as the weaving, while some twist was removed from the one that went in the opposite direction.  By the end of the weaving, the un-twisting side of the unwoven warp was slightly longer than the extra-twisting side.

This is clearly a small motif that can be added to many other bands.  Borders, of course.  Adding several more groups of 4 tablets to zigzag across the band.  Changing the 1/3 pattern of the arrows to 2/2 blocks (probably totally different colors from the solid-color tablets), and possibly offsetting those.  And so on.

These little bands are fairly quick to warp up and also quick to weave.  I think I am in the mood for something a little more complex for the next band.

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