Saturday, April 11, 2015

Another band done, plus photos!

The Oseberg-style band is finished.  It went pretty quickly.  It was a lot of fun to do.  It was very easy, and thus relaxing and fun to watch the band get longer.  Other family members helped.  We all want to warp up this band in a few other colors to see how it looks.

It's nothing fancy.  But it's very, very cute.

Both sides really do look good.  You can see where I tried a reversal in the middle of the pattern.  It's OK, but I prefer it all going the same way.  I stopped every now and then to work out the extra twist.

This is a good beginner pattern, in my opinion.

I ended up with maybe 4' of band.  I did a twisted fringe for the edges.

What did I learn with this project?  Uhhhh.....  I had to change the weft in the middle of the project.  My tension changed a bit for an inch or so.  Oh, well.  In general, the edges and the weft spacings are fairly consistent, given my current skill levels.  I'll continue to work on that, of course.

Here are some photos of the completed Running Dog (or Kivrim, etc.) band.

I am not sure what I will do next.  Another Oseberg narrow band in other colors?  A simple diamond pattern?  Something similar to the Running Dog pattern, with cards going in different directions?  Another threaded-in pattern or something that can use a continuous warp?  Or maybe I should drag out the inkle or tape loom or marudai or something and play with a different craft.

I really am in a tablet-weaving mood, though.

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