Neither is from Sion purse 269. Whew!
The top braid is a 6-loop pigtail-style braid. It's the fingerlooped version of the Skjoldehamn 6-element braid. Fingerlooping is fast and efficient, but so is freehand braiding. I do notice that my braid has a bit of a spiral to it. I wonder why? I did this A-fell, on the theory that A-fell was the more common braiding style in Europe. Maybe I should try it Slentre style.
The bottom braid is a 9-loop square braid. I'm still pretty clumsy at it -- transferring loops from my pinky finger to my ring finger is not yet smooth, especially if I don't want to drop the loops on my other fingers or my thumb. It didn't help that not all of the loops were exactly the same length. But I'm slowly getting better. I did this V-fell, of course. On my left hand were 4 yellow loops and 1 pink loop. On my right hand were 4 teal loops. The pink yarn is slightly thinner than the others, apparently, since it's nearly invisible in the braid and the photo.
I want to improve at the 9-loop braid since there are lots of fun things to do with 9 loops. Also, I should start doing fun braids again in addition to trying to figure out actual historic braids. (Not that I figure out much, since I'm sure the braids are pretty obvious to most experts, which I assuredly am not.)
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