Monday, February 10, 2025

STILL nattering on about the 6-loop fingerloop braids of Sion Purse 269

In my last post on this subject, I added the following a little while later:


Edited to add (because it's not worth another post)...

I think the circled area is one strand in this photo of the drawstring.  There's that one light-colored ply in the yellow strand which makes it distinctive. (Yeah, I know it's two strands of yarn.  But I'm using "strand" in the sense of "one side of the fingerloop".)  Maybe, because I can't 100% conclude that the other strand of the braid is different -- maybe the entire loop has that lighter ply.  Or maybe it's just this one short stretch.

But, if this is the same strand of yarn, and if it is different from the other strand, then the two Vs are symmetric, and thus the loops were taken unreversed.


The above photo is of the purse drawstring.  Now let's do the purse strap!

It took me a few minutes of looking, but I'm pretty sure I've circled the same strand.  It's blue, and one of the plies in one of the braiding elements is significantly thinner than the other, while the other blue strand has both plies pretty similar in both of the braiding elements.  And given the same caveats above, this braid took the loops reversed.



Did the braiders not care if the loops were reversed or unreversed?  The reversed seems slightly flatter to me, but I'd need to do more careful experiments, removing or duplicating other potential variables, to be sure.

If the braiders didn't care, then this may be evidence of two different braiders.  Although it's possible that a braider would switch back and forth, it is also possible that different braiders had their favorite or customary way to make this braid.

If the braiders cared, then they were interested in something about the difference between the two methods.

Maybe I'll make a few more braids and see if there are consistent differences between taking the loops reversed vs unreversed (and maybe also with reversing the loop in the other direction, i.e., hooking it from the top instead of the bottom).  Also, I should start working with doubled strands at some point, maybe in a finer yarn or thread.  If I'm feeling terribly ambitious, I can try some other unorthodox braid structures, too, such as going through two loops instead of one.  Though given how easy it is to do the unorthodox braid going through the middle-finger loop, I'm pretty sure that's what the braiders would have done if they were cranking this braid out in industrial-ish quantities.


My current tablet-woven project is almost finished, yay!  I'm still having fun with it.  I'll throw in pics and ramble about it in another post when it's finished.  I'm already thinking about what I might want to do next.

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