Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tubular Tablet Weaving Cord Fail

Hmm, a not-so-successful tubular tablet-woven cord.

I'm doing a cord with 5 tablets, similar to the wool cord described by Grace Crowfoot in her chapter on Narrow Wares from her Textiles and Clothing 1150-1450 book.  Five tablets, 4-threaded, all \ orientation, turn 1/4 turn each time.

Fail #1 (very minor) -- I threaded them / instead of \.  No big deal -- either flip the cards, turn them backwards at first, or spiral the weft the other direction.

Fail #2 -- I kept using the white weft thread, wondering if it would be hidden by the cord after it relaxed into a spiral.  I have an answer now.  No.  Now, this could be interesting, a little glint of something contrast-y visible within the cord.  But for this cord, it's not quite what I want.

Fail #3 -- I had to clamp the warp tight so it wouldn't slither.  But it did slither.  And either the clamp or the slithering broke several warp threads.

I give up.

I've done too much to unravel, so I'll probably cut off the already-woven length of cord and put it in my pile of samplers and learning pieces.  I'll do something else with the surviving warp threads.

For the future -- match warp and weft more carefully, and maybe take a different approach to tensioning the cord.

Dunno if I'll add a photo later.  I need to sulk for a while before deciding.

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