Friday, January 31, 2025

The Seyðisfjörður band, in green

It's finished.  I like it, of course.  It's only 12mm wide (the original was 1.5cm), but that's OK.  It's about 166cm long.  I think it looks nice in the green and yellow.  The blue stripe in the edges is subtle but also nice.

I ended up doing two repeats of the flower/bud motif that matched the direction in the actual artifact, followed by two that faced the other direction.  Each flower/bud motif is separated by 3 X and 2 O motifs.  I did 13 full 64-stitch motifs and about 30 more of the 14th motif.  I could have eked out a few more rows, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle and it was at a reasonable stopping point.

Hopefully the recipient will like it.

This went pretty quickly and wasn't too fiddly, so it would be good to keep it in the repertoire.  This will be fun to try out in a thicker wool yarn someday.

What shall I do next?  Hmm, I'm not sure.

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