Still no photos, but continuing progress!
I am not sure what I'm doing, but I'm having better luck getting the shed to open cleanly. My weaving is speeding up and finding a rhythm.
My edges are OK, though I'm sure an experienced person would wince. The edges should continue to improve with practice.
My weft spacing (or whatever it is called) is not yet all that consistent. Some kivrim pattern repeats are longer and more angular than others. That will be something to work on.
I think a cat chewed on one of the dangling ends. Two threads on one card have been severed about 6" from the end. So this band will end when I reach the end of that card's threads. Oops.
I like my colors -- black, white, pink. I like how the pattern looks. The loom is working well enough to hold things in place.
I am weaving continuously in the same direction rather than reversing the pattern. When the twist builds up in the cards that are always going the same direction, I remove the weight from the back of the warp to untwist those cards' threads. I seem to do that every 4 pattern repeats or so.
If I get bored before running out of warp, I might try reversing the pattern, both at the end of the repeat and maybe in the middle to see how it looks. Or maybe not.
What shall I try next? I am thinking a threaded-in pattern with simple all-forward/all-back turning so that other family members can try this. They are watching me work and think it looks interesting.
After that? I want to try more patterns like the one I've done -- diagonals or other pattern types with some cards going forward and some back with each turn.
That is all. (and yes, it's boring, but it's a place to write down my notes/thoughts as I progress.)
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