Thursday, March 9, 2023

Small two-hole band from Antinoè grave C 333

As the title proclaims, this is a cute little two-hole band from a pattern found in Antinoè grave C 333.  I found the pattern in these two places:  here and here.  It is a two-hole threaded-in 4F4B pattern (with the edge tablets turned in one direction only) with a small trick on one of the rows.

The band is described as being from a group of artifacts known as Coptic Egypt textiles, dated from 3rd-7th century.  The original was made from red wool and natural/white linen and was sewn onto a fragment of a turquoise wool men's coat.  It was roughly 8mm wide (mine is 8-9mm wide).  I used cotton, red and cream (close to white but not blindingly so).

It is kind of adorable.  The pattern is quite effective.  My little X motifs are a bit elongated compared to the original and to the re-creation on, but eh, that's OK.  I wonder if it has to do with me using cotton rather than wool, or something about the tension I use?

This is the first time I've done the trick of pushing down warp threads at a particular pick.  I'm glad I chose a matching red cotton for the weft, so that it remains unobtrusive!  It makes me laugh a bit to consider all the times I've mistakenly caught the wrong thread on the wrong side of the weft.  Now I'm doing it on purpose.

The chart given is a bit weird.  It is supposed to be read top to bottom, left to right, with S and Z used for thread directions.  But that doesn't seem to line up with the forward/backward turning directions given on the chart.  Clearly I am confused and/or not quite understanding the charting conventions used.  So I re-charted it to make sure I understood what was going on.  Obviously I came up with something that more or less resembles the original!

I'd make this again.  It's a little more fiddly than some of the patterns I've been doing lately, but not too annoyingly so.  Heck, it's been a while since I've made anything too fiddly, so I'm not complaining!  I am feeling the urge to do something more fiddly again, though.  We shall see.

I'm not sure what I'll make next.  I'm feeling an itch to start another tablet-weaving project, so no doubt a decision will be made soon enough.

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